
V. 閱讀測驗(40%)  (1) The heat was intense as we moved down the long corridor. Not only was it a difficult blaze, but the July heat made things evenworse as we struggled to get the best of the flames. As we finally made the turn into the apartment where the fire had started, thewords of the young mother outside screamed in my brain: “Please help! My baby is in there!”  We moved into the bedroom and I started looking in the usual spots where a child might seek refuge: under the bed, in thecorners. As I groped my way through the thick smoke, I suddenly fell forward, tripping over something on the floor. It was the child.Ripping off my mask to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, I grabbed the child and raced for the stairs. When we reached the waitingRescue Squad members, I collapsed in a heap in the gutter. The ambulance sped off into the night, its siren wailing. Later thatevening, we received word that the child had died in the hospital’s emergency room. Another small life lost in the city.   Why do little children such as that one have to pay the price for the neglect of others? During my career as a fire fighter, I haveseen this happen many times. You would think that we would become hard and callous, but we don’t. We mourn each person whodies. What bothers me is that many senseless tragedies could have been prevented. An overwhelming number of deaths in fires can beprevented by just one thing—a smoke detector. It is estimated that fewer than 50 percent of all dwellings in the United States areprotected by smoke detectors. Why are so many people ignorant about the need for smoke detectors? Smoke detectors save lives.They are easy to install. Their cost is reasonable, and they offer immediate protection.  People must persuade their communities to provide fire education for everyone. The money spent on fire education reaps areward that cannot be measured. If you do not think so, then consider your reactions if the child I carried out of that flamingapartment had been a member of your own family. You would probably then be willing to do anything at all to undo that tragedy.
【題組】56. The author’s main purpose in the passage is to _______.
(A) advertise a new brand of smoke detector
(B) persuade readers to become fire fighters
(C) plead for donations from the public
(D) encourage fire safety measures

