
VI. Reading Comprehension(5%;@1%) Many people like to drink bottled water because it is easy to get or they do not feel that tap water* is safe. However, bottled water is not necessarily better than tap water.    Because bottled water is sold in plastic bottles, it may be bad for our health. For one thing, chemical substances in the plastic may be released into the water. As we drink the water, these chemicals enter our bodies and gradually make us ill. For another, the bad storage* of bottled water can lead to health risks. There will be a lot of bacteria in it if the bottled water is kept on the shelves for too long, or exposed to heat or direct sunlight.Worst of all, bottled water contributes to global warming. An estimated 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide* are generated each year from the production of plastic to make the bottles. In addition, according to one study, 90% of the bottles are not recycled after they are used. Thus, all the bottles that get thrown out as garbage become a form of solid waste that pollutes our environment. Therefore, you had better think twice before you buy bottled water.*tap water 自來水 *storage n.[U] 儲藏 *carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
【題組】56. What is the passage mainly about?
(A) The advantages of bottled water.
(B) The disadvantages of bottled water.
(C) Ways to stay healthy.
(D) Ways to recycle bottles.

