
克漏字選擇   One year, I joined the marathon medical team. When the marathon started, the runners began to move _31_   . As our ambulance drove slowly behind them, we found a runner _32_ was moving very slowly. _33_ her feet were turned in, but her left knee was turned out. Her legs were so bent _34_ I didn’t think she could run a marathon. As the fastest runners disappeared   _35_   the distance, she became the    _36_    last one. _37_, she seemed determined to finish the race.    After several hours, we finally arrived at the finish line. There was a man with one end of a paper ribbon in his left hand. _38_ end of the ribbon was tied to a post. Proudly, the woman crossed the finish line and broke the ribbon _39_ two pieces just like a _40_ runner. Her spirit really moved me to _41_. Now, when I feel that things are too difficult or    _42_   , I think of that amazing girl ”the last runner”, then I realize how small my own problems really are.
(A) forward
(B) forever
(C) forehead
(D) fortune






【評論內容】X(A)物質X匱乏時,冰棒即是美食☆ →...