
54.經直線加速器的加速管(accelerator tube)加速的電子,聚焦後直徑約為多少mm?




【用戶】Steven Huang


【評論內容】出處:放射治療物理學 5/e p.44As the high-energy electrons emerge from the exit window of the accelerator structure, they are in the form of a pencil beam of about 3 mm in diameter(以3mm直徑的筆型射束型式射出). In the low-energy linacs (up to 6 MV) with relatively short accelerator tube, the electrons are allowed to proceed straight on and strike a target for x-ray production.

【用戶】Steven Huang


【評論內容】出處:放射治療物理學 5/e p.44As the high-energy electrons emerge from the exit window of the accelerator structure, they are in the form of a pencil beam of about 3 mm in diameter(以3mm直徑的筆型射束型式射出). In the low-energy linacs (up to 6 MV) with relatively short accelerator tube, the electrons are allowed to proceed straight on and strike a target for x-ray production.