
33 The judge offered the criminal the_________ of a fine of ten thousand dollars or three months in prison.
(A) altercation
(B) alternative
(C) appreciation
(D) appeasement






【評論內容】中譯:  法官提供罪犯可供選擇的方案,看是要一萬罰金或是要三個月徒刑a. altercation  (爭辯)b. alternative ( 可供選擇的方案)c appreciation ( 欣賞)d. appeasement  (綏靖政策;姑息主義)依題意,答案選b比較適合



【評論內容】The judge offered the criminal the alternative of a fine of ten thousand dollars or three months in prison.法官給罪犯提供一萬美元的罰款或三個月監禁的選擇。(A) altercation n.爭論;爭吵altercate vi.爭論;爭吵(B) alternative a.替代的;供選擇的(C) appreciation n.欣賞,鑑賞appreciative a.[(有欣賞力的;能確認價值的(D) appeasement n.平息;緩和appease vt.平息;緩和CSI代表著 Crime Scene Investigation,「犯罪現場調查」的意思。Crime = 一個違法行為 /  犯罪活動當我們要改說成動詞,例如「犯罪」,那就要支配動詞 commit【例句】He committed a horrible crime.他犯了一個可怕的罪。常見的犯罪方式Assault 攻擊 / 襲擊The number of indecent assaults has increased alarmingly over the past year.在過去的一年中,強暴猥褻案件數量的增長令人驚訝。A woman and a man have been convicted of assaulting a police officer.一名女子和一名男子被判襲警罪。【補充】攻擊也可以用 『attack』這個字來表示,『assault』則是 比較正式的寫法。Arson  縱火A cinema was burned out in north London last night. Police suspect arson in the fire.昨晚倫敦北部一家戲院被焚毀,警方懷疑有人縱火。Murder 謀殺 / 兇殺There were three murder cases in the town last year.去年鎮上發生了三件謀殺案。【補充】murder weapon = 凶器 Manslaughter  過失殺人 / 誤殺He denied murder but admitted manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.他否認謀殺,但承認過失殺人,這樣可以減輕刑事責任。She was sentenced to five years' imprisonment for manslaughter.她因過失殺人被判入獄五年。 Felony  重罪 /  滔天大罪(通常會被判入獄超過一年)He was convicted of a felony.他被判犯有重罪。【補充】a felony charge 重罪指控Foul play = 暴行(尤其指謀殺)/ 犯規行為It is not clear what caused the explosion, but the police do not suspect foul play.警方還不清楚是什麼引起了爆炸,但他們沒有懷疑是謀殺。The famous basketballer was sue against foul play. 那位有名的籃球員被指控打假球。 Suicide  自殺 / 自取滅亡的行為The suicide rate among men between the ages of 16 and 25 has risen alarmingly.16至25歲之間男性的自殺率攀升速度驚人。As a leader, he knows that it is political suicide to appear indecisive.他知道作為一位領袖,做事情猶豫不決等同於在政治上自取滅亡。【補充】suicide 和 crime 一樣是支配動詞 commitThe girl who was bullied in school committed suicide yesterday.那個在學校被霸凌的女生昨天自殺了。take one's own life 也是自殺 / 自盡的意思suicide bomber = 自殺性炸彈襲擊者suicide pact = (集體)自殺協定suicidal thoughts = 自殺的念頭 Rape  強姦 /  強暴It is difficult to understand what causes rape.很難理解是什麼原因導致強姦案的發生。 Kidnapping  綁架The little boy was kidnapped and held as a hostage. 這個男孩被綁架持作為人質。【補充】abduction 也是綁架 / 誘拐 犯人的各種用法Suspect 嫌疑犯The prime suspect in the case committed suicide. We need to search for new clues.這宗案件的主要嫌疑犯自殺了,我們需要找新的線索。suspect 也有懷疑、猜想某人是有罪的意思。She suspects that her husband is cheating on her.她懷疑他老公外遇。 Culprit  被控犯罪的人Police hope the public will help them find the culprits.警方希望公眾能協助他們抓到罪犯。 Murderer  殺人犯 / 兇手A convicted murderer was executed in North Carolina yesterday.昨天一名已定罪的殺人犯在北卡羅來納州被處決。 Shooter 射擊者The shooter ran away but left his gun at the crime scene.那位射擊者逃跑了但卻把手槍遺留在案發現場。Rapist  強姦犯The police have caught the rapist.警方已經逮捕到那位強姦犯。 Kidnapper  綁匪The kidnappers demanded a huge ransom for the return of the little boy.那些綁匪勒索巨額贖金作為放回小男孩的條件。 Mass shooting  大規模槍擊Mass 有著大量的 / 大規模 的意思,它也可以搭配配其他名詞Mass murder  大屠殺



【評論內容】中譯:  法官提供罪犯可供選擇的方案,看是要一萬罰金或是要三個月徒刑a. altercation  (爭辯)b. alternative ( 可供選擇的方案)c appreciation ( 欣賞)d. appeasement  (綏靖政策;姑息主義)依題意,答案選b比較適合



【評論內容】The judge offered the criminal the alternative of a fine of ten thousand dollars or three months in prison.法官給罪犯提供一萬美元的罰款或三個月監禁的選擇。(A) altercation n.爭論;爭吵altercate vi.爭論;爭吵(B) alternative a.替代的;供選擇的(C) appreciation n.欣賞,鑑賞appreciative a.[(有欣賞力的;能確認價值的(D) appeasement n.平息;緩和appease vt.平息;緩和CSI代表著 Crime Scene Investigation,「犯罪現場調查」的意思。Crime = 一個違法行為 /  犯罪活動當我們要改說成動詞,例如「犯罪」,那就要支配動詞 commit【例句】He committed a horrible crime.他犯了一個可怕的罪。常見的犯罪方式Assault 攻擊 / 襲擊The number of indecent assaults has increased alarmingly over the past year.在過去的一年中,強暴猥褻案件數量的增長令人驚訝。A woman and a man have been convicted of assaulting a police officer.一名女子和一名男子被判襲警罪。【補充】攻擊也可以用 『attack』這個字來表示,『assault』則是 比較正式的寫法。Arson  縱火A cinema was burned out in north London last night. Police suspect arson in the fire.昨晚倫敦北部一家戲院被焚毀,警方懷疑有人縱火。Murder 謀殺 / 兇殺There were three murder cases in the town last year.去年鎮上發生了三件謀殺案。【補充】murder weapon = 凶器 Manslaughter  過失殺人 / 誤殺He denied murder but admitted manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.他否認謀殺,但承認過失殺人,這樣可以減輕刑事責任。She was sentenced to five years' imprisonment for manslaughter.她因過失殺人被判入獄五年。 Felony  重罪 /  滔天大罪(通常會被判入獄超過一年)He was convicted of a felony.他被判犯有重罪。【補充】a felony charge 重罪指控Foul play = 暴行(尤其指謀殺)/ 犯規行為It is not clear what caused the explosion, but the police do not suspect foul play.警方還不清楚是什麼引起了爆炸,但他們沒有懷疑是謀殺。The famous basketballer was sue against foul play. 那位有名的籃球員被指控打假球。 Suicide  自殺 / 自取滅亡的行為The suicide rate among men between the ages of 16 and 25 has risen alarmingly.16至25歲之間男性的自殺率攀升速度驚人。As a leader, he knows that it is political suicide to appear indecisive.他知道作為一位領袖,做事情猶豫不決等同於在政治上自取滅亡。【補充】suicide 和 crime 一樣是支配動詞 commitThe girl who was bullied in school committed suicide yesterday.那個在學校被霸凌的女生昨天自殺了。take one's own life 也是自殺 / 自盡的意思suicide bomber = 自殺性炸彈襲擊者suicide pact = (集體)自殺協定suicidal thoughts = 自殺的念頭 Rape  強姦 /  強暴It is difficult to understand what causes rape.很難理解是什麼原因導致強姦案的發生。 Kidnapping  綁架The little boy was kidnapped and held as a hostage. 這個男孩被綁架持作為人質。【補充】abduction 也是綁架 / 誘拐 犯人的各種用法Suspect 嫌疑犯The prime suspect in the case committed suicide. We need to search for new clues.這宗案件的主要嫌疑犯自殺了,我們需要找新的線索。suspect 也有懷疑、猜想某人是有罪的意思。She suspects that her husband is cheating on her.她懷疑他老公外遇。 Culprit  被控犯罪的人Police hope the public will help them find the culprits.警方希望公眾能協助他們抓到罪犯。 Murderer  殺人犯 / 兇手A convicted murderer was executed in North Carolina yesterday.昨天一名已定罪的殺人犯在北卡羅來納州被處決。 Shooter 射擊者The shooter ran away but left his gun at the crime scene.那位射擊者逃跑了但卻把手槍遺留在案發現場。Rapist  強姦犯The police have caught the rapist.警方已經逮捕到那位強姦犯。 Kidnapper  綁匪The kidnappers demanded a huge ransom for the return of the little boy.那些綁匪勒索巨額贖金作為放回小男孩的條件。 Mass shooting  大規模槍擊Mass 有著大量的 / 大規模 的意思,它也可以搭配配其他名詞Mass murder  大屠殺