
(三)       Do you know leopard cats? They are about the size of household cats and have beautiful fur like leopards.Different from household cats, there are two wide white lines along with dark lines running from theirforeheads to their eyes and two white lines from their eyes to their noses. They can’t meow, either.Leopard cats are great climbers and good at catching small animals. They eat birds, frogs, rats and soon. Maybe leopard cats look like household cats, but remember they are different animals.       Leopard cats were everywhere in Taiwan before, but now we see a few of them in the mountains only inMiaoli, Nantou and Taichung. The study shows their numbers are about 300 to 500. More and morepeople come to their    habitats   , but it’s difficult for people and leopard cats to live together. Leopardcats may eat chickens and destroy farms, so farmers don’t welcome them. Businessmen want to buildmore houses and shops. Also, many leopard cats are killed by cars. If we don’t hurry to fix theproblems, we may not see them anymore in years. Leopard cats need our help. Let’s act before it’stoo late. 

leopard 豹 household 居家的 size 尺寸 along with 伴隨 fur 毛皮 forehead 前額meow 喵喵叫 rat 老鼠 more 更多的 destroy 毀壞 kill 殺死 if 如果 act 採取行動
【題組】43. What does the word“   habitats   ”mean?
(A) families
(B) living places
(C) fields
(D) playgrounds






【評論內容】那單字棲息地指的是什麼意思?下一句it’s difficult to live.因此重點在live生存,答案選B,living places 住的地方。