
35. A:Did she live with her     when she studied in Taipei?.
 B:Yes. She lived with her aunt then.  






【評論內容】A:Did she live with her relatives when she studied in Taipei?.B:Yes. She lived with her aunt then.  A:她在台北讀書時是否和親戚住在一起?B:是的。 那時她和姑姑住在一起。(A)secretary 秘書(B)relatives 親戚(C)bride 新娘(D)lawyer  律師



【評論內容】A:Did she live with her relatives when she studied in Taipei?.B:Yes. She lived with her aunt then.  A:她在台北讀書時是否和親戚住在一起?B:是的。 那時她和姑姑住在一起。(A)secretary 秘書(B)relatives 親戚(C)bride 新娘(D)lawyer  律師



【評論內容】A:Did she live with her relatives when she studied in Taipei?. A:她在台北讀書時和親戚住在一起嗎? B:Yes. She lived with her aunt then.    B:是的。 那時她和姑姑住在一起。  (A) secretary 秘書(B) relatives 親戚,親屬(C) bride 新娘(D) lawyer 律師relativeKK[ˋrɛlətɪv]可數名詞1.親戚,親屬My aunt is my only immediate relative. 我姑母是我唯一的至親。I don't have many blood relatives (= people related to me by birth rather than by marriage).我沒有幾個有血緣關係的親戚。註: relative, relation這兩個詞都有「親戚」的意思。其區別是:1.根據血統或婚姻關係的遠近來說,較近的親戚用relation,較遠的親戚用relative。例如:He had no relatives in California.他在加利福尼亞沒有親戚。She has no relatives in town.她城裡沒有親戚。These are the gifts to friends and relatives.這些就是送給親戚和朋友的禮物。2.relation除表達抽象意思外,還表示特別親密的關係, relative只含有單純的親戚意味。試比較:He was on intimate relations with her.他和她有親密的交情。My uncle is my nearest living relative.我叔叔是我最近的親人。