
【題組】44. Which of the following is not true about the narrow reading approach?
(A) It’s also known as the deep reading approach.
(B) It is a response to the insufficiency of the repeated reading approach.
(C) Readers may find their reading experience more motivating while performing narrowreading.
(D) Narrow reading has been unambiguously proven for its pedagogical potency in all cases.






【評論內容】中國釋疑申請釋疑者提出 44 題中選項 B(“ It is a response to the insufficiency of the repeated reading approach)不對,原因是文章中“並無直接提及” narrow reading approach is a response to the insufficiency of the repeated reading approach”。本釋疑針對三點回應:A. 以語用面來說,respond to something 通常有兩個意涵:1)回應某人意見/ 想法/作法; 2)針對某一個 “問題” 或是“狀況”之處置/因應,例如: “respond to a problem/issue”: https://ludwig.guru/s/respond+to+a+problem “respond to negative reviews” (https://www.forbes.com/sites/ryanerskine/2018/12/31/how-to- respond-to-negative-reviews-including-examples/)44 題選項 B 就是上述第二種意涵:Narrow reading 因應、處理了先前的方法(repeated reading)可能會遭遇的問題---讀者閱讀興趣。B. 承上,繼續就文章前後文面來說,在介紹因應之道 narrow reading 之前,第二段的第一句話先帶出(先前使用的)repeated reading 的問題/缺點 (“It is important to note that repeated reading pedagogy involves rereading the same text several times and that such a repetitive exposure may dampen learners’ motivation to attend to the language forms.”)---重複閱讀一篇文章可能會減低讀者閱讀興趣。這個“問 題”(減低讀者閱讀興趣)就是 narrow reading 會被提出之因應理由。因此, 第二段的第二句話開始帶出因應前者問題的方法及內容,而 Krashen 稱此方 法為 narrow reading。此外,這也是為什麼在結論段落(同樣是第一句,最 顯眼的位置)會提說:“the major and clearest advantage of narrow reading is that it is, in comparison with repeated reading of the same text, potentially more motivating from the perspective of learners’ reading experience.” 。C. 綜上,本題答案應無疑義。