
三、克漏字測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】    According to the UN’s Human Development Index, Norway is the best country to live on the planet. It certainly seemsto be one of the greatest places for babies, too. 41 many European countries troubled by a declining number ofnewborns, the Norwegian birth rate is a healthy 1.75 in 2014. Norway’s reputation as a child-friendly society is mostlybased on the government’s initiative 42 parents’ and children’s rights and benefits. A Norwegian mother can receive agrant of about NT$167,000 for a birth or adoption. 43 is 49 weeks with full pay or 59 weeks with 80% pay, whilepaternity leave is ten weeks. There is also financial support for those who choose to look after their children rather thanreturn to the workplace. Children between one to five years old are 44 to a place in a kindergarten. And the babyindustry is 45 , giving birth to a plethora of new activities or facilities: baby-massage, baby’s book days at the library,and even breastfeeding-friendly cafés.
(A) Thanks to
(B) In contrast to
(C)In accordance with
(D) As a result of

