
四、篇章結構: (每題 1 分,共 5 分)        In the Spartathlon, one of the world’s toughest ultra-marathons, runners run 245 km, about sixmarathons, within 36 hours. The runners start in Athens, and run all the way to historical Sparta. TheSpartathlon’s heritage goes back to 490
(C), when Pheidippides, an Athenian, made the journey to Spartato ask the Spartans for help in fighting the invading Persians. ___76___ In 1982, this story sparked theinterest of a British air-force officer and long-distance runner called John Foden, who wondered if itreally was possible to run from Athens to Sparta and arrive the next day. With four other officers, Fodendecided to see for himself. ___77___ That achievement inspired the organization of the first Spartathlon ayear later.The Spartathlon’s attraction has two sources.        The first is the difficulty of finishing it. The Spartathlonis not the most difficult race, but it combines lots of different tests. ___78___ There are climbs: the routeincludes a series of ascents, among them a 1,200-meter mountain pass in the dead of night. Above all,there is the relentless pressure of the clock. The second reason is that the idea of retracing Pheidippides’sfootsteps still grips many participants. ___79___     As finishers receive a laurel wreath and water from schoolgirls, many are overjoyed with emotion.However, the euphoria is fleeting. Within a few minutes, their joints and muscles start to seize up: afterthe race, Sparti resembles the set of a zombie film as participants lumber slowly around on legs that willnot bend. ___80___ 
(A) It feels like racing in history, passing through places where history began. 
(B) There is the heat of the Greek day, and then the plunge in temperatures when darkness falls. 
(C) The race organizers may pull out runners who are outside the time limit or run-down. 
(D) It is recorded that he reached Sparta on the day after he left Athens. 
(E) But the itch to do it all over again soon appears.F. After a 36-hour slog, they arrived in Sparti, as the town is now called.




【用戶】Sam Zhang








【評論內容】公司法屬於民法的特別法 而對金融控股公司法而言,公司法屬於特別法這亦即為一個法中同時有普通法與特別法的地位需從何種角度來看而判斷



【評論內容】下列何者為普通法與特別法的關係?(A)刑法與刑事訴訟法(B)保險法與票據法(C)公平交易法與公平交易法施行細則(D)公司法與企業併購法 一般警察三等◆法學知識- 100 年 - 100年警察鐵路四等法學知識(中華民國憲法概要、法學緒論)#5097