
題型三:(第 45 至 48 題),下面四篇段落各有四個劃底線的句子,每個句子前有選項代碼。請依各段內容,選出一個文意最不連貫的句子,並將該句 子之選項代碼劃在答案卡上。47. Our bodies need basically four types of nutrients from food: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, andvitamins and minerals. Proteins help the body grow and repair itself when it is damaged.
(A) They are found especially in eggs, milk, meat, and fish. Carbohydrates give us energy.The most beneficial carbohydrates come from vegetable sources such as wheat, corn, and beans.
(B) Fats also provide energy to the body; they come from both animal and vegetable sources.
(C) In fact, many types of vegetables also contain high amounts of protein.
(D) ManyVitamins and minerals are another group of food elements. The best way to get the vitaminsand minerals is to eat the right amount of the right kinds of food.

