
(三) 克漏字:20%     Wright loved nature as a child, and as an architect he felt that buildings must have natural forms ___1___ be in harmony with their surroundings. He could finally ___2___ his ideas into practice when the Solomon Guggenheim Foundation invited him to design the museum in New York. ___3___ had the architect been so excited by a new challenge like this. Wright wanted to create an “organic” structure that would open into the world ___4___ isolate people from it. He was eager to experiment ___5___ a design that had fascinated him: the spiral shape of certain seashells that wind around themselves.    The Guggenheim Museum in New York thus has a widening spiral ramp. It starts at the ground level and twists upward around itself five times, continually ___6___ wider until it opens out near the top. Within the circular ramp ___7___ a vast central space, lit up by a huge skylight. Visitors enter on the ground floor and are carried by the elevator to the top, ___8___ they begin to slowly walk down along the ramp. ___9___ they go down, they view the paintings hung along the outward-leaning walls. Each work of art is thus viewed ___10___ the angle as Wright believed the artist himself had seen it while he was painting it.
【題組】1 (  )
(A) so that 
(B) in order that 
(C) so as to 
(D) such as

