
Elephants are one of the most intriguing and wonderful animals on earth. The elephant is the largest mammal, (26)______ up to 5 meters in height and 5,000 kgs in weight. This extraordinary creature is unusual even before birth. The mother elephant carries her unborn baby for the (27)______ of 22 months, which is the longest period of time among all mammals. A newborn baby elephant can be one meter tall and weigh 135 kilograms. The elephant family is (28)______. Right after the baby is born, some adult female relatives will (29)______ to take care of the newborn until it reaches (30)______. In the elephant herd, the older and the stronger (31)______ protect the younger and the weaker.  Believe it or not, elephants are (32)______ vegetarians. Grass, small branches, and bark from trees are among their favorite foods. An adult elephant spends 16 hours a day more or less collecting food, and it can (33)______ 300 to 600 pounds of food each day!  Sadly, this adorable animal is on the edge of extinction. Human activities have done damage to the elephants’ natural habitat. (34)______, many elephants fall victim to poachers seeking their ivory tusks. (35)______ we take immediate action to protect them from extinction, it is very likely that our children will not see elephants roaming in the wild 20 years from now.
【題組】26 (  )
(A) that is measured 
(B) measuring 
(C) which measure 
(D) to be measuring

