
38. ① Editors have been unwilling to speculate openly about what price Obama’s deal would bring.② Obama was a bestselling author even before his inauguration, first with his memoir, DreamsFrom My Father, and then The Audacity of Hope.③ However with his proven appeal and decades of literary productivity ahead of him, Obamacould very likely top the reported $ 15 million Bill Clinton got for his memoir, My Life.④ There is no doubt that the big money will be rolling in after stepping down.⑤ He has a deal with a publisher to write another nonfiction book when his term is up.
(A) ① ② ③ ④ ⑤
(B) ① ④ ② ⑤ ③
(C) ④ ② ⑤ ③ ①
(D) ② ⑤ ① ③ ④¯公告試題僅供參考外語群英語類 專業科目(二)第 11 頁 共 12 頁

