
VIII. 克漏字翻譯 12%Jamal was an outstanding student in both elementary school and junior high. Of course, he enjoyed a lot of popularity back then. In his first year of senior high school, (84.) Jamal 以前常藉由email和朋友們保持聯繫(請用used )。(85.)不用說,朋友是很重要的。However, as he is not doing well in school now, he doesn’t feel comfortable telling them about his high school life. Gradually, he becomes distant. How badly he wants to (86.) (請填片語) his good work!(他多想保持他的好成就) It certainly feels awful to (87.) (請填片語) his peers.(落後於他的同儕感覺當然超差的) The fact is, (88.)雖然他比同學用功兩倍,但是他從未通過任何測驗。 (89.)現在他感到太挫折了以致於不想再試試看。Maybe his friends can help him out with their tips for studying. By not talking to his friends, Jamal might make matters worse. After all, a true friend will always come to his aid whenever needed.84

