
    A very large number of plastic bottles are used by us every minute. The number is very large. In fact, scientists have shown that our brains cannot really process (處理) very large numbers of things. This was one of the ideas that inspired the artist, Chris Jordan. In one case, he photographed two million plastic bottles. This is the amount used in the U.S. in only five minutes. He hopes after looking at the photograph, people will think about the part they play in causing the problem. Science deals in facts but art deals in emotions. Chris Jordan proves that the two can work together.
【題組】51. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) How science inspired an artist to make a beautiful work of art.
(B) How an artist makes people understand how serious our environmental problems are.
(C) How we can reuse the waste bottles to make useful things.
(D) What our brains can and cannot process according to the scientists.

