
IV. Reading Comprehension 
    Moving to a new house takes a lot of work. In Singapore, if you’re from a family that believes in
superstition related to moving house, you might want to observe these customs for a successful move.
These should be done on your first day in your new house.
    One thing you can do is to roll a pineapple around your new home. This is probably the most
common thing to do in a new house in Singapore. The idea is that you will get lots of money while
living in this house. Another thing to do is to boil some water. This will fill your home with warmth and
help you with your career. Why not also use the hot water to make some nice Chinese tea? To go along
with your tea, place some candy on tables and desks.Also, put some red envelopes filled with new paper money in places you might usually keep money.Doing this is said to multiply your wealth. Opening all doors and windows might be a good idea, too.This will let positive energy flow through the house.
    Now for something you should not do. Do not repair or put together furniture. This even includes
putting pictures on walls. It’s believed that doing this will cause your home to always need repairs. Save
this work to the second day!
【題組】17. Who is most likely to be interested in thispassage?
(A) Someone who wants to do business withSingaporean companies.
(B) Someone who needs furniture for theirnew house.
(C) Someone who is looking for a new housein Singapore.
(D) Someone who has just bought a house inSingapore.






【評論內容】X(A)物質X匱乏時,冰棒即是美食☆ →...