


統計:A(22),B(32),C(70),D(50),E(0) #


【用戶】Jill Chen


【評論內容】lessenvi.不及物動詞1.變小, 變少; 減輕The heat will lessen during the evening. 晚上熱氣會減弱。vt.及物動詞1.使變小, 使變少; 使減輕The talk lessened the tension. 這次交談緩和緊張局面。2.【古】藐視; 貶低 distractinga.形容詞1.使分散注意力的, 分心的Please stop making that distracting noise. 請不要弄出那種讓人分散注意力的噪音。 augment擴大; 增加; 加強; 提高The impact of the report was augmented by its timing. 由於發表的時間選得好, 這篇報導的影響更大了。Fatigue augments as the day wears on. 隨著白晝漸漸消逝, 人會覺得越來越疲倦。 eliminatevt.及物動詞1.排除, 消除, 消滅[(+from)]Our ...

【用戶】Jill Chen


【評論內容】In addition, household savings rates generally rise, _____30_____ the savings available to finance future growth. Growing gender equality and the shift in household spending power towards women coincide with a period of rising incomes and rapid growth of the global middle class.



【評論內容】In addition, household savings rates generally rise, _____30_____ the savings available to finance future growth. (此外,家庭儲蓄率普遍提升,增加了可用於為未來資金成長儲蓄的可能性。)Growing gender equality and the shift in household spending power towards women coincide with a period of rising incomes and rapid growth of the global middle class. (隨著性別平等的增加和家庭對婦女的消費能力的轉變,與全球中產階級的收入和快速增長的時期恰好一致。)(A)lessening 減少(B)distracting 分散注意力(C)augmenting 增強(D)eliminating 消除