
五. 閱讀測驗:(每題 4 分, 共 24 分) Dear Debby, We’re sorry that you didn’t win any prizes at thescience contest. I still remember when you were little, onceyou told me Thomas Edison was one of the greatestinventors you respected a lot. You also read a lot of hisstories. Do you remember that before he became a greatinventor, he failed many times? So, don’t give up. If youstill love science, be like the one you respect. Love, Mom & Dad                                                                                              

inventor 發明家 respect 尊敬
【題組】37. Why do Debby’s parents write this letter to her?
(A) To ask her to win the contest.
(B) To cheer her up.
(C) To help her with a contest.
(D) To ask her to control her emotions.

