
        We all love nature. When we travel, we look for lakes and rivers, forests and mountains. These make us feel different—happier and more at ease. Sometimes they also awe us with their might and beauty, whether they are towering mountains, vast open seas, or spectacular waterfalls.
        The world’s mightiest waterfalls are amazing sights to see. Angel Falls in South America’s Venezuela, for example, is the highest waterfall in the world. At 979 meters in height, it took explorers nine and a half days to climb up to the top of it, and another day and a half to get back down! The world’s widest waterfall is the Iguazu Falls, also in South America. It is an amazing 2.7 kilometers wide! Situated on the border between Argentina and Brazil, Iguazu Falls form a huge half circle that is truly breathtaking to see.
        Of course, we cannot forget Niagara Falls, the most famous waterfall in the world. It is in North America, and more water passes through Niagara every year than through any other waterfall in the world. In fact, it could easily fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool every second! But the biggest waterfall in the world, if we consider both width and height, belongs to Africa. At 108 meters in height and 1.7 kilometers wide, Victoria Falls is absolutely awesome! Now, don’t just look at the pictures. Go and visit every one of them! You will definitely not regret it.
【題組】37. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) What nature-lovers do to protect our earth.
(B) How a waterfall is formed.
(C) An introduction of some of the world’s most famous waterfalls.
(D) A tour of South and North America.

