
What is the longest-running espionage movie serial in history? A hint would be the first full-length motion picture featuring the hero of the series that was released in 1962. The year 2012 marked the 25th picture starring the world’s foremost spy, a full 50 years of cinema history. The spy is James Bond, who is commonly known as 007.Given that a single actor could not possibly play such a demanding role over such a span of time, there have been seven actors to take on that duty, including superstars Sean Connery, Roger Moore, and Pierce Brosnan. Though each has put his personal spin on how to portray the main character originally conceived by British author Ian Fleming, they all come across as the gun-, woman-, and liquor-loving MI6 agent, the UK’s equivalent of the US’ CIA. It might seem cliché in this day and age, but Bond always captures or kills his target and gets to keep the girl or two as well. James Bond movies are not all about mayhem, though often graphic violence is a large part of them. Dozens of countries and cultures have been the site of Bond films, giving viewers an inside look at other lands. Humor is also guaranteed in each movie, as is the most cutting-edge technological spyware. The plots are mentally challenging, the dialogue is certainly for mature audiences only, and the soundtracks rock. With non-stop action throughout each work, it’s truly hard to feel bored for even a moment during a James Bond movie.With 25 films over 50 years, that makes an average of one James Bond adventure every other year. For those who might worry whether the series has run out of steam, do not have any fear. Daniel Craig, the actor who has played James Bond in the last three movies, has been contracted for two more films. Most likely, Bond’s movies will go on forever.ˉ
【題組】29. What is the best title for this article?
(A) The World’ s Greatest Spy
(B) Ian Fleming and James Bond
(C) Violence in Film
(D) The Longest-Running Movie

