
   Tibet, or the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) of China, is a wonderful place to visit. So high are its snow-capped mountains that the region is known as “The Roof of the World.” These mountains include Mt. Everest, the highest mountain in the world. There are also many other diverse geographical features, such as hot springs, valleys, and lakes. Lhasa, the capital of the TAR, is another fantastic place to visit. Sadly, visas are only granted to those who take organized tours. Here are a few things you’re likely to see on such a tour.    Potala Palace is one of the first things visitors to Lhasa will see. It sits on top of Marpo Ri, the “Red Hill,” and served as the official residence of the Dalai Lamas for around 300 years, until China took over the region. It’s divided into two parts, the Red and White Palaces, and contains thousands of Buddhist images and murals.    In addition, there are caves behind it where previous Lamas went to mediate, and dungeons below where prisoners were kept and tortured.In addition to Potala, there is the Jokhang Temple, which is over 1,300 years old and is situated nearby a willow tree that was planted by Princess Wen Cheng of the Tang Dynasty. There’s also the famous Drepung Monastery, which is full of statues of Buddha and other deities people worship. With all these incredible buildings, plus the breathtaking scenery, there’s certainly enough in Tibet to delight any visitor.
【題組】46.What is the purpose of this passage?
(A)To explain why Tibet is now a part of China.
(B)To discuss some geographical features in Tibet.
(C)To introduce some famous buildings in Tibet.
(D)To talk about the interesting history of Potala Palace.

