
(5) 48~50        The story of Mother’s Day begins with an American woman named Anna Jarvis. Anna loved her mother very much. When her mother died in 1905, Anna was very sad. She decided that people needed a day to   honor   mothers while they were still alive.       Anna began writing letters about her idea to businessmen and government leaders. Nine years later, Mother’s Day became a national holiday in the United States. Today, it is celebrated all around the world.        Anna was happy that Mother’s Day was a success, but she was not satisfied with how people celebrated it. For her, Mother’s Day was not about presents. It was about love and respect for your parents. She spent the last thirty-four years of her life teaching people about the true meaning of Mother’s Day.       This Mother’s Day, don’t buy your mother candy that you will eat yourself. Spend time with her instead. Do something special that tells her how much you love her. That’s what Anna Jarvis would have wanted.                                                                  文章來源:ABC英語故事袋-世界真奇妙 

alive活著government政府 respect尊敬
【題組】48. Which is true about the story of Mother’s Day?
(A) Anna Jarvis celebrated the first Mother’s day with her mom in 1905.
(B) Mother’s Day first became a national holiday in Canada.
(C) In 1914, people in the US started to celebrate Mother’s Day.
(D) Mother’s Day was the idea of some businessmen and the government.






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