
According to a poll released on May 31, 2007, more than half of the American population who live within 50 miles of the coast do not believe they are vulnerable to hurricanes, tornados or flooding. Of the 1,100 adults polled, 52% said they have no family disaster plan, nearly a third have no hurricane survival kit and nearly 90% said they have done nothing to make their homes stronger. Nearly half of those with insurance polices have not reviewed them within the last year; 47% of policy owners said that they are not covered for flooding.“Despite the devastation of the 2004-2005 season, one mild season in 2006 has plunged Americans in hurricane-vulnerable states into a dangerous amnesia,” said Ron Sachs, executive director of the National Hurricane Survival Initiative, a public education and safety outreach partnership between government organizations, relief agencies, and corporations.The initiative is doing everything it can to urge people to prepare themselves for a busy storm season. In addition to the poll, it has launched an interactive website, a series of public service announcements and a 30-minute television program, The National Hurricane Survival Test, which air throughout hurricane season on more than 50 television and cable network affiliates.The initiative's message is simple: plan ahead. Secure your home, have a plan for your family, for the elderly, the disabled, and pets. Prepare your insurance claim. Have flashlights, first-aid kits and a three-day supply of food and water for each individual. Also, secure extra medicine.
【題組】78.What is the main idea of this article?
(A) Most Americans do not have insurance policies to cover damages as a result of hurricanes.
(B) More than half of the American population does not have family disaster plans.
(C) The National Hurricane Survival Initiative wants to remind Americans near the coast to be prepared for hurricanes.
(D) The percentage of Americans that have amnesia is on the rise and will result in dangerous consequences.


統計:A(8),B(30),C(80),D(8),E(0) #




【評論內容】amnesia 記憶缺失;健忘(症)