
On my way home from work one day in 1994, I stopped at a supermarket for shopping. I was behind two customers. The person checking out was a young mother with her little girl. As the clerk was scanning (扫描) the things she chose, the young lady was carefully counting her money, worried. After the last thing was scanned, the clerk told the young mother the total.The young mother’s expression turned out to embarrassment (尴尬) as she realized she did not have enough money. She started to see which things to put back, and nervously looked behind her, knowing she was holding up the line. I was smiling and trying to look sympathetic (同情)—I had been in situations where I did not have enough money plenty of times myself. Finally, the young mother gave something back to the clerk, and asked for a new total.At that moment, the woman in front of me asked the clerk to wait a moment. She took out $5 and handed it to the clerk to pay what the young mother was short of. When the clerk tried to give the woman the fifty cents change, she pointed to the little girl and told the clerk to give it to her. The little girl smiled and ran to one of the machines to spend the money. Naturally, the young mother was thankful and said so. The woman smiled and told her she was welcome.I will never forget the look on that little girl’s face—not when she was given the money, but when she realized that a perfect stranger cared enough to help them. From the way she looked at the woman, you could tell that she learned something valuable that day: Some people do care.That woman taught me several things with that one little deed. There are many situations in which we can help other people. It doesn’t take much money. A few dollars to someone like me was something quite different to that mother.
【題組】44.Why was the young mother carefully counting her money?
(A) To know how much would be left after payment.
(B) She got ready to pay for what she had taken.
(C) She was afraid that she didn’t have enough..
(D) To see if she could buy more things.

