
克漏字測驗Both management and labor sides disagreed on the government’s request that the minimum wages should be about 1/20 times more than the original one. According to the Cabinet-level Council of Labor Affairs (CLA), the wage is too high for businesses, but too low for labor _____31_____ . While winding up a five-hour minimum wage meeting, CLA decided to announce that the minimum monthly pay should be raised _____32_____ 5.03 percent. However, it was _____33_____ that management and labor representatives could accept the result with the 5.03 percent raise in the minimum wage. The enterprises claimed that they couldn’t accept the 5.03 percent raise in the minimum wage. _____34_____ , they could accept a hike of only 3percent. If the minimum wage was hiked by 5.03 percent, local employers would face an additional wage payment of NT$34.8 billion per year. On the other hand, the labor representatives were quite dissatisfied with the small hike, which is _____35_____ a 31.2 percent hike they demanded. Since the government ignored the labor representatives’ expected demand they used to stress, they won’t rule out the possibility of appealing to the Control Yuan to correct the CLA’s decision.




【用戶】Hanks Lin



【用戶】Go for it!


【評論內容】(A)advocates :倡議者(B)presenters :主持人(C)descendents :後裔(D)residents:居民 but too low for labor _____31_____對勞工權益的提倡者來說(wage )太低