
▲ 閱讀下文,回答第44 – 47題Cacao beans ( from which chocolate is made ) were brought to Spain from CentralAmerica in the 16th century. The Indians of Central America had been making hot chocolatedrinks for many years. They made their hot chocolate with water, not milk, and it was darkbrown, spicy and bitter. At first, the Spanish people were not impressed with this strange drink.However, someone came up with the idea of adding sugar. As a result, drinking hot chocolatebecame popular in Spain, and quickly spread to England, France, Italy and beyond.Because cacao beans had to be shipped such a long distance, chocolate was an expensivedrink and only the rich could afford it. The ordinary people generally drank beer, cheap wine orwater. They probably wondered how this special chocolate drink tasted. As drinking chocolatebecame popular, chocolate houses grew up in England. Rich men spent hours in them, drinkingchocolate while they played cards for money, read the newspapers and shared the latest gossip.Rich ladies did not generally go to the chocolate houses, but enjoyed their hot chocolate athome, usually for breakfast.
【題組】44.What is the best title for this passage?
(A) What Did Rich People Do in Europe?
(B) Why Did People Drink Hot Chocolate?
(C) Where Did Hot Chocolate Come from?
(D) How Did the Indians Grow Cacao Beans?

