
Ralph Waldo Emerson born in Boston on May 25, 1803, is regarded by many as the most inspirational writer in American literature. He was only eight when his father, a pastor of the First Church in Boston, passed away. After his father died, his mother took full responsibility of supporting the family of six children. At that time, Emerson was weaker and smaller than other children.  Emerson’s education had begun very early. His father had complained that he did not yet read very well before he was 3 years old. At the age of 14, he entered Harvard College. However, when he graduated at 18, he didn’t receive any honors. That’s because he would read what he liked rather than read the lessons teachers assigned to him.  Emerson taught school for three years after graduating from Harvard College, which gave him enough money to enter the divinity school at Cambridge. In 1826 he began to preach. Three years later, he married Ellen Louisa Tucker. At this time, Emerson was a quiet, shy, and self-contained man. Though he thought very much, he actually wrote little, and said less. Besides, in spite of his genial and kind attitude toward people around him, it was difficult to know him intimately.
【題組】61 (  ) The main idea of this article is about the ______ of Emerson.    
(A) literary works 
(B) early life 
(C) romantic stories 
(D) great influence

