
Are you a tea lover or a coffee lover?   (43)   tea   (43)   coffee offer a varietyof benefits to people. Lovers of either one will claim that their choice is superior.Nevertheless,   (44)   one is truly better than the other or not is up for debate.Few would disagree that both drinks serve important social functions. However,despite   (45)   obvious similarities, the contexts in which they appear are movingincreasingly further apart. For example, in the United Kingdom, tea plays a vital role insocial culture.   (46)   tea is a popular leisure activity to be enjoyed in small groups offriends, often in the afternoon. By contrast, coffee is popular   (47)   the workingworld. It   (48)   as a means of staying alert during the day. Additionally, it is a greatexcuse to gather with one’s coworkers around the water cooler.Drinking tea or coffee can give you the energy you need to get through the day;this is   (49)   caffeine, the chemical in both drinks that helps people stay awake.However, although caffeine is considered to have advantages by some, others observepeople   (50)   it in large quantities and feel that they are putting their health at risk.Therefore, because tea contains less caffeine than coffee, many prefer tea to coffee,especially people who like to drink several cups a day. ……………………………….
(A) if
(B) which
(C) why
(D) whether






【評論內容】X(A)物質X匱乏時,冰棒即是美食☆ →...