
三. 克漏字填空選擇:20% 【A】 (Mark and Patty are shopping for their picnic at the supermarket.) Patty: What should we buy first? Mark: Let’s take a look at the shopping list. Um….we need ten ___21.___ of cola. Patty: Here you are. How about grape juice? It’s on sale. Mark: It sounds ___22.____ a good idea. Wow! These pears are NT$199 for one bag. They’re too expensive. Patty: How about guavas? They are ____23.____. Mark: OK. We need four bags.Patty: What else do we need? Mark: Several ____24.____ of cookies. Children like them most. Patty: How about this brand? It’s ____25.____ of all the cookies. Mark: But it’s also the most expensive of all. I want this brand. Patty: All right. What else?Mark: We still need some hot dogs. Patty: And pizza! That’s ___26.___ food in the world.

(A) bags
(B) pairs
(C) cups
(D) cans

