
 Dear Patty,
        I’m sorry that I lost my temper last night but I was just so mad at you. I think of you as my very close friend,so how could you tell something bad about me behind my back? I was very sad and angry when I heard that youstarted a rumor about me. You really hurt my feelings.
         Although you tried to explain the situation to me last night, I just couldn’t listen to you at that moment. Itwas hard to keep cool down. However, no matter what happened, I really don’t want to lose a friend like you. Ihope we can still be friends after all this. Call me tonight and we can have a long talk about it.                                                                                                                                  Sophie
【題組】36. What can you infer from this letter?
(A) Sophie and Patty don’t like each other.
(B) Sophie and Patty were once very good friends.
(C) Patty and Sophie haven’t seen each other for a lo
(D) Sophie didn’t want to talk to Patty anymore.






【評論內容】A: 文中未提及C: “Although you tried to explain the situation to me last night”從此句中得知他們昨天晚上才見過D:文中未提及