
4. The newspaper apologized for releasing false information that had ______ the public to believe toiletpaper was in short supply and caused panic buying.
(A) confronted
(B) misled
(C) forecast
(D) restrained






【評論內容】The newspaper apologized for releasing false information that had ______ the public to believe toilet paper was in short supply and caused panic buying恐慌性搶購.(A) confronted迎面遇到;面臨;遭遇(B) misled使產生錯誤想法(C) forecast預報,預測,預料(D) restrained .KK[rɪˋstrend]受限制的;拘束的;忍耐的;嚴謹的;克制的



【評論內容】解題關鍵字:releasing false information(發布錯誤訊息)此時,即可得知:上述的原因導致後面的恐慌性搶購事件。最後看選項:以(B) misled 誤導帶入句中最合適。



【評論內容】The newspaper apologized for releasing false information that had ______ the public to believe toilet paper was in short supply and caused panic buying恐慌性搶購.(A) confronted迎面遇到;面臨;遭遇(B) misled使產生錯誤想法(C) forecast預報,預測,預料(D) restrained .KK[rɪˋstrend]受限制的;拘束的;忍耐的;嚴謹的;克制的



【評論內容】解題關鍵字:releasing false information(發布錯誤訊息)此時,即可得知:上述的原因導致後面的恐慌性搶購事件。最後看選項:以(B) misled 誤導帶入句中最合適。









【評論內容】The newspaper apologized for releasing false information that had ______ the public to believe toilet paper was in short supply and caused panic buying恐慌性搶購.(A) confronted迎面遇到;面臨;遭遇(B) misled使產生錯誤想法(C) forecast預報,預測,預料(D) restrained .KK[rɪˋstrend]受限制的;拘束的;忍耐的;嚴謹的;克制的



【評論內容】解題關鍵字:releasing false information(發布錯誤訊息)此時,即可得知:上述的原因導致後面的恐慌性搶購事件。最後看選項:以(B) misled 誤導帶入句中最合適。