
四、 請依據上、下文意,在題號後所提示字中填入正確的形式,以使下列故事完整。8%;每一格 1 分     There are 35 students in my class. Every one of them is different. Tom is   (1)   (tall) in the class. He wantsto be a basketball player, and he hopes that he can play basketball as well as Michael Jordon. Jenny is  (2)   (popular) than any other student. She always wears a smile on her face. Ben likes to eat fast food and never getsenough exercise. So he's getting   (3)   and   (4)   (heavy). In fact, he is   (5)   (heavy) of all the students. Billwas a short and thin boy before. But now he is    (6)   (strong) than before. He always helps the teachers to carryheavy things. Peter is a fast runner. He can run as   (7)   (fast) as a rabbit. He usually wins first prize in running.Linda is the class leader. She is   (8)   (busy) student in the class. She helps me a lot. Maybe some students are noisy,and some are lazy. But I like my students very much.

編輯私有筆記及自訂標籤國二英文下第一次-108 年 - 2019新北市市立崇林國中八年級108 下學期英文第一次段考(期中考)翰林#92175

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【用戶】Yo Yo Huang





【評論內容】讚啦,yo yo


