
Have you ever been to Pingxi(平溪)? Do you know what we can do there? We can light and release skylanterns there. Sky lanterns in Pingxi have been around for over two hundred years. During dangerous times in thepast, people released sky lanterns to let others know of their safety. Today, releasing lanterns into the sky is a wayto bring good luck. We usually do that on the night of Lantern Festival. Before releasing, people write their wisheson the lanterns and they believe their wishes will come true. Are you curious about the history of sky lanterns? Get the information on the Internet, and you’ll learn a lotabout them.

【題組】6. When do people release sky lanterns?
(A)In the first lunar month.
(B)In the second lunar month.
(C)In the eighth lunar month.
(D)In the tenth lunar month.

