
【題組】48 According to this passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A)Storytelling in the village was replaced by reading.
(B)Technology brought happier life to the village, so they had more stories to share.
(C)Storytelling was and should be a primary means of conveying history and culture.
(D)Storytelling became more popular in Nigeria in late 1960's.






【評論內容】48 According to this passage, which of the following statements is true?n據本文以下敘述何者正確?(A)Storytelling in the village was replaced by reading. 村落中說故事(的傳統)被閱讀所取代--第二段內容[錯誤]The trouble was that at night, though theyhad nothing to read and many of them did not know how to read, thefamilies would sit in their huts The light-bulb watching began to replace thecustomary nighttime gatherings by the tribal fire, where the tribalstorytellers, the elders, would pass along the history of the tribe. (B)Technology brought happier life to the village, so they had mo...