
(29-32) B  Hamlet is the prince of Denmark, but he didn’t go back to Denmark until his father died. After Hamlet was back in Denmark, he kept seeing and hearing the ghost king. “My brother, Claudius, poisoned me and made me die,” said the ghost. Hamlet had some actors perform a play in front of his uncle, the new king, Claudius. The play was about a man poisoned his own brother. When Claudius watched the play, he looked very sick. Seeing this, Hamlet was sure of this: his uncle killed the old king. Hamlet ran to his mother, Gertrude, and told her about this. But when he was talking to his mother, he killed his lover, Ophelia’s father, because Hamlet mistook him for Claudius. After her father died, Ophelia went mad. Ophelia’s brother hated Hamlet so much and hoped to kill him. In the end, everyone in the story died. It is one of the saddest stories of the great writer, Shakespeare’s.

【題組】29.Which is the best title (標題) for the reading?
(A) The Story of Hamlet.
(B) How to Be a Good King.
(C) The History of Denmark.
(D) The Life of Shakespeare.

