
六、閱讀測驗:15% A.A-Ha is a great band. Their songs are very famous. There are five boys in the band. One is from the USA, and four are from the UK. They are seventeen years old. They are young, and their voices are impressive. People love them because they sing so well. They can write songs, too. The five boys are Ben, Josh, Thomas, Andy and James. Ben is tall and thin. He is a good singer. Josh is short and heavy. He’s a little shy. Thomas is a song writer. His hair is long. Andy is also a song writer. He is cute. James is strong, and his voice is beautiful, too. Look! They are on TV now. What a great band!

【題組】1. 【 】Who is the song writer?
(A) Thomas and Andy.
(B) Ben and Josh.
(C) Andy and James.
(D) Thomas and Ben.

