
III.Discourse Structure (10%) In 1962, Stan Lee decided that it would be a good idea to make an ordinary teenager into a superhero. ___31___ Kids laughed at Peter for his love of books. One day, a special spider bit Peter on his hand. ___32___ He then used these powers to become Spider-Man, one of the most popular crime fighters of all time.  When Stan Lee created Spider-Man, there were many comic superheroes. Characters such as Superman and Batman were very popular, but they were very different from the people who read their stories. ___33___ Thus, Spider-Man was created to give teenagers a superhero who was like them.Most comic superheroes struggle with personal weaknesses, and Peter Parker was no different. ___34___ People believed that superheroes never make mistakes, and Peter often felt lonely and helpless. Over time, Peter learned to deal with the stress of being Spider-Man by asking for help from his friends.  ___35___ Although he sometimes doubted whether or not he should be Spider-Man, Peter Parker realized that he had to use his powers to help the public. Spider-Man reminded readers that ordinary people can do great things if they are determined to do what is right. 
(A) As a solo hero, Parker took pictures of his fights as Spider-Man using an automatic camera, and then sold the pictures to The Daily Bugle. 
(B) Lee knew that a lot of teenagers read comic books, and he believed that they would understand someone who shared their hopes and dreams, as well as their problems. 
(C) Peter Parker’s uncle once told him that “with great power comes great responsibility.” 
(D) Suddenly, Peter discovered that he could climb walls and jump huge distances. 
(E) He created Peter Parker, an orphan living with his aunt and uncle. (AB) As with many teenagers, he struggled to fit in while trying to do the right thing.

