
James Bond is a fictional character created by British journalist and novelist Ian Flemingin 1953. Fleming wrote twelve Bond novels and two short story collections before his death.There have been six other authors who wrote 6 Bond novels after Fleming’s death in 1964.The Bond character is a Secret Service agent, code number 007, 7 in London but activeinternationally. Bond was a 8 character who was based on a number of soldiers whomFleming knew 9 his service in the Naval Intelligence Division from 1939 to 1945. Bond’sname was taken from American ornithologist(someone who studies birds)James Bond. Bond has anumber of character 10 which run throughout the novels, including an enjoyment of cars,a love of food and drink, and an average intake of sixty custom-made cigarettes a day.
(A) authorized
(B) centralized
(C) minimized
(D) internalized

