
According to the philosophy of feng shui, the most important room in a house is the bedroom, because where and how you sleep is important for preserving the strength and spirit you need to face the world. To ensure the best flow of chi in the room, your bed should be diagonally ____46____ the room’s main entrance. This will give you the serene feelings that make ____47____ rest possible. If it is impossible to make such an arrangement, ____48____ bear in mind that you should never place your bed in ____49____ with the door, because in ancient China, the decreased were laid out with their feet pointing toward the door so that they would have easier access ____50____ heaven. 
(A) alignment
(B) proper
(C) to
(D) opposite
(E) do






【評論內容】X(A)物質X匱乏時,冰棒即是美食☆ →...