
     What comes to your mind when you think of the word “success”? Does a person have to be rich and famous to be considered 36 ? The answers may be different from person to person, but it seems that all success stories have a few things 37 . They succeed by doing 38 they enjoy, they follow their dreams and they never give up. Take J. K. Rowling for example. Ever since she was a five-year-old girl, she had wanted to be a writer, but 39 a single mother achieving that goal would not be easy. However, she was determined to finish writing Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Years went by but all the hard work finally paid off. The Harry Potter stories became a bestseller, 40 the attention of both the young and the old throughout the world.
(A) challenging
(B) successful
(C) awarding
(D) competitive

