
五、閱讀測驗(未考2000單,每題1分,共5分。考2000單,每題2分,共10分)     Nowadays, most adults have one or more smartphones to help them communicate with their friends, co-workers, or clients. Many teens have smartphones, too, to keep in touch with their friends online. However, what about children under twelve? Is it OK for them to have smartphones?     Some people think it is acceptable for children to have smartphones. Since a variety of applications can be installed on smartphones, children can use them for games or learning. Moreover, smartphones with built-in GPS can locate their users. In this way, parents are able to know where their children are easily. Also, children can make calls on their smartphones in case of emergency.           Nevertheless, others hold different opinions. They think children haven’t developed enough self-control to use smartphones. Children may spend too much time playing games and surfing the Net, becoming addicted to their phones. They suggest children use feature phones. Feature phones are cell phones without Internet connection. They have only basic functions, such as making calls, receiving calls, and texting. With feature phones, children can still make calls and stay in touch with their parents.     Whether children should have smartphones or not is still under debate, but one thing is certain. People should carefully consider the pros and cons(優缺點) before they buy smartphones for their children.
【題組】46. This passage is mainly about _____.
(A)the feature of smartphone.
(B)the pros and cons of feature phones.
(C)whether children should have smartphones.
(D)why teens become addicted to smartphones.

