
V. Reading Comprehension 5% 每題1分,共5題。    In 1953 in London, England, a young priest called Chad Varah found out that many people were very unhappy and even wanted to kill themselves because they had no one to talk to. So he decided to set up a service that would help those people.    Chad Varah gave a telephone service that anyone could call 24 hours a day. There would always be someone on the other end of the line to listen to the callers’ problems and try to help them. He called his new service the “Samaritans.” The first call to the Samaritans was made on November 2, 1953. Fifty years later, they help about 5 million people every year.    An important thing about the Samaritans is that the callers don’t have to give their names. People who are afraid to tell their friends and family about their problems often find it easier to talk to a stranger. People in trouble can also call any time they want, even in the middle of the night. The Samaritans are known to be very good listeners. Often, just knowing that someone is listening is enough to make callers feel better about their problems. Every day the Samaritans save another person’s life. It’s all because Chad Varah decided to help people more than 50 years ago.
【題組】55. Rene: Hello, this is Rene calling.       Jamie: I’m afraid not. She won’t be home until 9 p.m.
(A) Is Sophie available now?
(B) Could you call again later?
(C) How may I help you?
(D) Could you forward my message?

