
(四)Do you know when and where ice cream got its start? It's an international favorite with a long and interesting story.  The earliest ices were eaten in China many years ago. The people would put orange or lemon juice on ice. Later, the idea traveled to Italy. Nero, the Emperor of Rome between 37and 68 A.D., liked to eat ices as a special treat between violin classes. He ordered runners to get snow in the mountains and quickly get back. The snow was mixed with honey, fruit juices, and nuts. Some people think that in 1533, the cooks, who served Catherine de Medici, brought the recipe for ice cream with them to France. It was a mixture of rich milk, honey, and ice, called “flower of milk.” By the early 17th century, a bowl of ice cream was a very special treat that only the French kings' families could have.Around 1660, coffee shops serving ice cream were very popular in Paris. Most of them were owned by Italians. The first successful one was opened by a man from Sicily named Francesco Procopio. & international國際的 Emperor皇帝 A.D. 西元 Italian義大利人 Sicily西西里
【題組】38. What does one mean in the reading?
(A) Ice cream
(B) Coffee shop
(C) A man
(D) King

