
三、 克漏字選擇 16 % 1. Belinda: I saw something really touching last night. Joseph: Really? What was that? Belinda: I saw a woman on the street. She held a babyin her   38   . When she wanted to go acrossthe street, it rained a lot. She didn't have anumbrella with her. Joseph: That was too bad. Did anyone help her? Belinda: Yes. A little boy saw her and then opened hisumbrella for the woman. They smiled   39   each other, and then walked across the street. Joseph: Wow. It was really nice   40   him. Belinda:   41   The boy is your son, Jeremy! Joseph: Really? Oh, I'm so proud of him!  across 穿越 / each other 彼此 / proud 驕傲的
(A) eyes
(B) feet
(C) legs
(D) arms

