
四、閱讀測驗Have you ever seen red bananas? Probably not, but they are well known in some parts of the world. Although thepeople in the United States consume over half of the world output of about 100 million bunches of bananas a year, attempts to grow bananas in this country have not been very lucrative so far. Most of the world' s bananas are grown in the moist heat of tropical Central and South America.Only in the last 100 years have large areas of tropical jungles been cleared for banana plantations. Special steamshiplines have been organized to carry the banana crop from the tropics to the rest of the world. For land travel, freightwww.exschool.com.twP.5cars that can be heated and refrigerated are needed to maintain the proper temperature for the traveling bananas. Theywill spoil if allowed to become too hot or too cold.Bananas grow in bunches with several clusters or “hands” to a stem. In these “hands,” the 8 to 12 bananasgrowing together are called “fingers.” These fruit bunches are collected and transported while green in order that theybe properly ripe the time they reach their final marketplaces. After the bananas have been collected, the stalks on whichthey grew are cut down.
【題組】46. What is the connection between better transportation and the market for bananas in the United States?
(A)Keeping bananas in better condition when sold.
(B)Making bananas taste better.
(C)Making chilled bananas fashionable.
(D)Using better marketing skills.

