
48. A: Check out my new car!B: Wow! It’s so big and fancy. How much was it? A:______. B: I am sure it did. It looks expensive.
(A) I got a 40% discount.
(B) I just bought it yesterday.
(C) It cost me an arm and a leg.
(D) It is big enough for six people.






【評論內容】It cost me an arm and a leg. 那可是讓我(荷包)大失血啊(那可是賠上我的一手一足。意指付出極大的代價;所費不貲)。



【評論內容】48. A: Check out my new car! B: Wow! It’s so big and fancy. How much was it? A:________. B: I am sure it did. It looks expensive. 



【評論內容】原本題目:48. A: Check out my new car!B: Wow! It’s so big and fancy. How much was it?A:B: I am sure it did. It looks expensive.(A) I got a 40% discount. (B) I just bought it yesterday.(C) It cost me an arm and a leg. (D) It is big enough for six people.修改成為48. A: Check out my new car!B: Wow! It’s so big and fancy. How much was it? A:______. B: I am sure it did. It looks expensive.(A) I got a 40% discount. (B) I just bought it yesterday.(C) It cost me an arm and a leg. (D) It is big enough for six people....