
41. Which of the following dialogue may the phrase ”drama queen” fit?

phrase片語; upset 惱火的
(A) A: I think I can’t go to the night market with you tonight, I’m still busy with my work.
B: It’s alright. Then I’ll go with Mark, the tall thin man with curly brown hair and brown eyes. He’s very handsome and…..
A: OK. Maybe I am not that busy.
B: You are really a _____________!
(B)A: Why didn’t Sandy want to come?
B: She said she wanted to play video games. By the way, last Saturday, she stayed at home and didn’t go picnicking with us. She always has some things to do around the house.
A: All right! Sandy is becoming too much of a _____________!
(C) A: Hi, Daphne. Nice to see you on this trick-or-treating party! You really look like a cat woman in this outfit! By the way, what about Kevin? Didn’t he come?
B: He says he will pass today’s party because of the ghost story-telling time at the end of this party.
He’s afraid of anything about ghosts.
A: Wow! I can’t believe he’s such a ______________!
(D) A: She’s such a ______________!
B: How come?
A: She cried for two hours because her boyfriend forgot about their lunch date. Last weekend, she even yelled at her boyfriend because he didn’t give her a goodbye kiss.






【評論內容】drama queen喜歡小題大做的人(☆) ☆: ...