
A few interesting similarities can be found between the two great philosophers: Confucius andSocrates. They indicated that virtue can cause happiness in life. Using their own lives as _____31 _____ , theytried to tell their followers that acting virtuously is the way to success in life. Another common pointbetween Confucius and Socrates is their emphasis on the importance of education. _____32 _____ education, itis difficult to build up the virtue of wisdom. They considered self-knowledge important. Self-knowledgerefers to the ability to know what we know and what we do not know. With the awareness of our ownknowledge and _____33 _____ , we are able to succeed and avoid errors. They believed that carefulself-examination can analyze and _____34 _____ our personal characters, aims, methods and attitudes. Forboth Confucius and Socrates, _____35 _____ learning and wisdom with other virtues, one can have a goodand productive life. They pointed out that wisdom obtained from learning can be used as guidance forall good deeds.
(A) manners
(B) models
(C) masses
(D) measurements

