
▲閱讀下文,回答第 41-45 題If every person on Earth only ate one kind of food, what would happen when this kind of fooddisappeared? If it happened, all human beings would soon disappear. Luckily humans do not eatonly one type of food but panda do. In the wild life, the bamboos pandas eat are almost extinct.Is there any way to save pandas? In order to find out how to save pandas, many Americanscientists went to China and studied the habitat. The study took place in Sichuan province and wasled by a New York zoologist, Dr. Patrick Shumann. The scientists tried to find out whether pandasare able to change to eat other kinds of foods while two major types of bamboos are dying out.The Chinese government also realized the seriousness of this situation and has taken somenecessary steps to save the animals. Large areas of panda habitat have been set aside as wildlifepreserves where pandas can be undisturbed. At the same time, Chinese scientists are makingefforts on how to grow more bamboo plants and how to increase the number of pandas by raisingthem in zoos.
【題組】41. According to the passage, _______ scientist led by Dr. Patrick Shumann went to China to studythe life of pandas in order to save them.
(A) Asian
(B) Chinese
(C) American
(D) European

